Zoom link for Sunday at 10:15
For phone access please call 778 907 2071 Meeting ID: 870 7635 0042 For more infomation visit:
Christmas FairNovember 30 A planning meeting with take place after the 10:15 service this Sunday. All are welcome to lend a hand! |
Request for DonationsNew-to-You, Christmas Store and Silent Auction Tables Donations for the above 3 tables are needed. For the New-to-You and Christmas Store the type of donation is up to the doner. Everything, except new or used books (these can be donated in the spring for the Church Book Sale), will be accepted. For the Silent Auction the items should be of significant quality and value. Because of limited storage capacity at the Church, we will have to limit reception of the donations to the following times at the Church: Saturday, November 23 at 10:00 am to 12:00 noon Thank you! |
Science & Celtic MysticismAdvent series with Bishop John Join Bishop John Stephens for this four-part Advent series looking at Celtic theology as offered by several Celtic saints. Into this mix will be added some scientific thought and study, Celtic prayers, and life experience. This will all be tied to the Season of Advent as we make time to prepare for the coming of Christ. Dates: Tuesday evenings from Nov. 26 to December 17 Time: 7pm to 8:15pm This series is free and is on Zoom. For more infomation visit: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0rceGuqzopG9SV-rFQxB4DWTteAjloX9RM#/registration
Italian Baroque ChristmasSat Nov 30 at 3pm at West Vancouver United Church An Italian Baroque Christmas, Sat Nov 30 at 3pm at West Vancouver United Church, 2062 Esquimalt. Magnificats and Glorias by Vivaldi, Monteverdi and Durante plus Corelli’s Christmas Concerto. Join Laudate Singers, Paragon Singers, Baroque Orchestra, and conductor Lars Kaario in person or watch the excellent quality livestream. Our Sunset Season and thus our final Christmas concert! More info: LaudateSingers.com or 604-729-6814. For more infomation visit: https://www.vtixonline.com/an-italian-baroque-christmas/4528/